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Jr. Freestylerz


Now that your athlete has developed their basic Freestyle skills, it’s time to step it up a notch! The Jr. Freestylerz program focuses on skill development.  Athletes will begin to learn more difficult freestyle skills, including a 180 spin, 360 spin, 540 spin (in both directions), switch take offs, speed control, different grabs, and more rails. At this level, athletes should be very comfortable on their skis and capable of maneuvering all the challenging terrain (green, blue and black runs). Athletes will be encouraged to progress further in the park, off jumps, on rails and free-skiing. In this program, athletes begin to develop their competitive skills by preparing for club level events (Yukon Champs). The focus is on the progression of skills and having fun!


After graduating from the Jr. Freestylerz program, athletes will then be ready to enrol in the Sr. Freestylerz program.


Jr. Freestyler athletes are encouraged to compete at the annual year end club competition (Yukon Champs).


Jr. Freestylerz Athlete Prerequisites:

•          Confident skier & able to parallel ski black runs

•          Good ski control and carving skills

•          Basic jump skills up to 180

•          Able to slide a box sideways and be starting on rails

•          Able to ski switch down most of a green run

•          Desire to ski in the park


The Jr. Freestylerz on-snow program starts the first Sunday of December and runs until the end of March. On-snow training runs for the full day on Sundays. In addition to their Sunday training, athletes also have trampoline training once a week at the YFSA training facility, with the option to train twice a week on trampoline if desired. Weekly trampoline sessions are one hour each and start the first week of September and run until the end of March. 


*Parents are required to volunteer for one event during the season. One Parent MUST also have a CFSA Volunteer membership ($20)




Equipment Required for all levels:  Skis - Twin Tips Mandatory, Helmet, Poles, Boots


** AIR BAG ** Jr. Freestylers airbag use is only allowed if a YFSA air 3 certified coach  feels that the athlete is ready and has the skills to use the airbag safely.

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