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Safe Sport


The Canadian Sport Helpline provides professional listening and referral services by phone or text at 1-888-83-SPORT (77678) or by email at, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time, seven days a week.

Freestyle Yukon is committed to fostering a secure sporting environment that upholds a zero-tolerance stance against any form of mistreatment. Freestyle Yukon works hard to provide a safe environment in which athletes can train and compete, free from abuse and inappropriate behaviour. Please review Freestyle Yukon's Safe Sport policy, the Safe Sport Code of Conduct and the Minor Athlete Abuse Previention policy below and join us in sustaining a culture of safety.


If you are an athlete who has experience inappropriate behaviour or know of an athlete who has experienced inappropriate behaviour, CLICK HERE, to report a concern. We are all a part of promoting a culture of safety throught education, listening and speaking up.

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